British poet W. H. Auden once noted, “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” Yet while we all know water is crucial for life, we trash it anyway. 80 Percent of the world’s wastewater is dumped largely untreated back into the environment, polluting rivers, lakes, and oceans. This widespread problem of water pollution is jeopardizing our health. Unsafe water, kills more people each year than war and all other forms of violence combined. Drinking pure water strengthens the immune system. Pure water lets your body detoxify through urination, thus keeping the body toxin-free and with a strong immune system. Let’s discuss in detail, the health benefits of drinking water in this article.
Seven Benifits Of Drinking Pure Water..!
It regulates body temperature
Water that is stored in the middle layers of the skin comes to the skin’s surface as sweat when the body heats up. As it evaporates, it cools the body. Having a lot of water in the body may reduce physical strain if heat stress occurs during exercise.
Controls the digestive system
The bowel needs water to work properly. Dehydration can lead to digestive problems, constipation, and an overly acidic stomach. This increases the risk of heartburn and stomach ulcers.
It lubricates the joints
Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contains around 80 percent water. Long-term dehydration can reduce the joints’ shock-absorbing ability, leading to joint pain.
Brings Glow on Your Face
Drinking an adequate amount of water reduces fine lines and wrinkles on your face. Intake of pure water boosts skin cells which brings glow on your face. Drinking water will keep the skin hydrated and regularise blood flow.
It prevents kidney damage
The kidneys regulate fluid in the body. Insufficient water can lead to kidney stones and other problems.
Helps You Lose Weight
Water suppresses your appetite, so you don't eat as much. Drinking plenty of water also prevents fluid retention, making you look slim and trim.
It forms saliva and mucus
Saliva helps us digest our food and keeps the mouth, nose, and eyes moist. This prevents friction and damage. Drinking water also keeps the mouth clean. Consumed instead of sweetened beverages, it can also reduce tooth decay.

With so many health benefits stated above, one cannot ignore the importance of pure water. Now youc can get pure water and derive benefits with WATERKRAFT'S water purifiers. Water purifiers kill bacteria remove all the impurities from the water with the help of RO+UV+UF Filtration technology.