Many places in every state, receive iron or fluoride water. Over lakhs of people avails oneself of it for cleaning, household ,bathing, cooking which can cause several issues - starting from skin, hair to scaling and corrosion.
Presence of iron can give an unpleasant metallic taste to water. As rain falls on the land surface, water seeps through iron bearings, rain runs off roofs and streets pickups fertilizers, oil pesticides, dirt, bacteria’s ; untreated make their ways to river, lakes and oceans .
Impact of Iron/Fluorine
In Household :
• Spoils the flavor of food items.
• Erodes pipeline made up of steel or iron.
• Causes yellow or brown stains on dishes and laundry.
• A home filled with iron water, leads to plumbing issues.
On Health & Skin :
• Iron water may cause Haemachromatosis and many skin problems like acne and redness.
• Long term exposer to higher level of fluoride concentration can cause a condition called skeletal fluorosis.
• Joint pain, weakness, headache and body pain are some side effects.
• Furthermore, it causes tooth decay and discoloration, high blood pressure, seizure.

Carry off
Rather than using home remedies for short relief from problems, the everlasting solution to the problems is to induct , WATERKRAFT's Iron/Fluoride remover.
Our NONFERR iron removal plants are comprising of Mild Steel /SS / FRP Pressure Vessel, Frontal piping wok with manual / Automatic multi-port valve / Butterfly valve / conventional valves for easy operation and control, Iron remove plants are available from 1000 LPH to 100000 LPH.